We Bring the Rock, We Bring the Metal!
Sonic Attack is your weekly dose of heavy metal madness, spanning the earliest roots of the genre to the latest new music. You'll also hear progressive and psychedelic rock mixed in, and maybe even the occasional jazz or hip-hop song, but mostly you'll just hear an ear-splitting splitting metallic assault and a blaze of guitar solos. That's why your humble host Robin Zinger refers to it as a "mostly metal" show.
I'm always looking for new music to play, especially independent and Canadian stuff, so please send those cds the old fashioned way to the CHRY music department at:
CHRY 105.5FM
Room 413, Student Centre
York University
Toronto, ON
M3J 1P3
I'm always looking for new music to play, especially independent and Canadian stuff, so please send those cds the old fashioned way to the CHRY music department at:
CHRY 105.5FM
Room 413, Student Centre
York University
Toronto, ON
M3J 1P3